Wednesday, April 1, 2009

the fools will play on april fool's day

It's April Fool's Day and I'm not completely thrilled about it. I'm not a good prankster and I don't like to be pranked. It's not that I don't have a sense of humor but I don't find some people's idea of humor to be funny. On top of that, people spring news on others and some people believe that news. It's like people over look the fact that information presented on April Fool's Day isn't always true. On the other hand, some people take humor to another level and they do things that aren't quiet legal. For instance, some people decide to egg a person's car or t-p a person's house while other people decide to steal highway signs or spread internet viruses. I don't think these things are funny and I definitely wouldn't commit those acts of disrespectful violence. You may think that these things are humorous and you may have even committed these acts or others for the sake of a joke. People have different types of humor and that's fine as long as you know the line between being funny and getting carried away. I think that April Fool's Day is meant to be a joke and I wouldn't really care to take part in it. Since people have different types of humor, some people can get really offended by another person's actions or words. I know it's dramatic to think that one "silly" little prank can lead to something serious but you never know what event could become a catalyst for other events. It's possible for someone to get seriously injured from performing tricks on a bike and it's possible for someone to become seriously ill from getting a mosquito bite. The point is that tiny things can lead to bigger things that might have been foreseen but that doesn't mean the person wanted the results one was given. I know what happens when I, or anyone else, assumes things which is that I make an a** out of you and me. If you don't get the saying then look at the spelling of the word assume. Anyways, jokes or pranks, or whatever term you use, should be thought about before being told or performed. Even if you have an idea about a certain person's reaction, you never know what kind of audience will hear the jokes or see the pranks. It's important to be cautious and courteous about certain, if not all, events that you take part in or help organize. You can have your own thoughts or reactions about what I typed because everyone has the right to feel or think differently from everyone else. When it comes down to it, the phrases "treat others the way you want to be treated" and "you reap what you sew" can definitely be applied to what I have typed.

1 comment:

Pattie said...

well I didn't do any thing for april fools but it is ok!
HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY hope yours stays ok