Tuesday, September 15, 2009

lazy days ahead

Hello Bloggers! I haven't posted in a while but I've returned to update those who visit my blog. I just finished my second year of college and I'm waiting for my grades. I don't have much to worry about because I know that I passed my classes and will be receiving my Associates Degree document soon! I'm excited that I get a break from books for a while. I'm also somewhat sad that the experience is over because I've gotten use to the whole college environment. After much thought, I've decided to apply to other colleges to make an attempt a Bachelor's Degree in the Fall of 2010. 2010 seems far away but 3 months isn't enough time to get my paper work in order so it's obvious that I should wait. In the meantime, I'm just going to play the 'Waiting Game' until I get my transcripts which is in about a week. After I receive my paperwork, I'm going to start the transfer process and try to get a job. Even though I don't want to work right now, I think a job will give me something to do until August of 2010. I'm probably going to apply for a job at a couple of places near my house. I want to cut down the commute as much as possible since I'll only be part-time. I also had my braces removed from my teeth after wearing them for 2 and a half years. I'm not totally excited about it because I have retainer to clean for the next 2 years. Anyways, I'm a little tired from pushing myself to get things completed on time so I'm not looking forward to cleaning. I'm going to end this blog with a quote by my favorite president, Theodore Roosevelt: "Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing."

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